Spring Virtual Auction
Spring Virtual Auction
We are very excited to announce our Spring 2022 Virtual Auction to benefit Art in the Wild!
We hope to kick off this exciting auction in early-April, but first we need your help!
In order to make the auction as great as possible, we need to procure as many donations of actionable items as possible between now and late-March.
Do you have quality artwork gathering dust in your basement you might want to donate to a good cause? Maybe you, own a business (or know someone who does) that could donate a gift card, good, or service? Or maybe you are willing to go out and purchase a gift card, unique experience, or cool item to donate to us for the auction?
Whatever you can do, please let us know!
We are in search of quality works of art, gift cards to restaurants, stores, hotels, donated experiences like spa packages and ski passes, and what ever else you are willing to generously donate to make our auction a success!
Please contact our Executive Director, Steve Ross at steveross1986@gmail.com if you are willing to help us collect items!
Also, Art in the Wild is a 501(c)(3) organization, so donations to our auction are tax deductible!